Yeast | Fungus | Bacterial Overgrowth

When invoking your self-healing process, we always must start with what we consume daily.

Because food is medicine.

And it's not a cliche.  I've eaten shitty before I knew better, when I  cleaned up the crappy food and transformed my life, I didn't know I could feel that great!  After about a decade or so, I let the eating go when I was distracted with emotions of life, and symptoms returned. And coming back to rebuild is no fun.

Yet, everything can be regenerated.  So we have to start at the food.

Symptoms are ways your body is trying to communicate with you.  How we hear, listen and put it together is multi-layered, but first we have to start with the food.

Is candida detox appropriate for everyone?  Of course not.  There are people who fuel themselves quite well on fruits and other carbs.

But if you are yeasted, you must pull back so balance can be achieved.

Once you clear the candidia and get the gut biome balanced, you can tolerate the carbs better.

Candida Testing

There are many ways to test.  A stool sample can test fungus in the poop and you can pay a lot of money to get a confirmation.

But there are cheaper ways go about the questions and get the same answer.  If you like spending money to "know for sure" then by all means, go for it!  The information provided is fantastic in so many other ways.  Insurance (especially Kaiser) is probably not going to cover it, so be prepared to pay out of pocket.

I'm just a practical kinda girl

So here's the tests you can run to confirm a candida overgrowth.

1.  Donna Gates - I trained with her and her knowledge and protocols are pretty on point.  You can take her test here.  

2.  Dr. Crook - Such an unfortunate last name, but he is considered the pioneer in yeast overgrowth.  You can take the test here.

3.  Candida spit test - Not sure the origins of this test, but I have recommended clients do this simple test to determine if fungus has become a problem.  I know when I eat excess carbs or sugar, my saliva gets very sticky.  Here's a sample of the Candida Spit Test

4.  What is your poop saying to you?  Foamy, fermentation, gas, bloating, hard stools all indicate the possibility of fungus overgrowth.


1.  When heavy metals are in the body, candida will be tough to eliminate until you get the heavy metals out of the body.

2.  Essential oils are helpful in destroying pathogens.  Oregano, cinnamon and others can be helpful.  Get a consult with a adept essential oil practitioner.

3. If you clean up the food, but still take birth control and other pharma's, just know it will take a bit longer for symptoms to clear.  Those pharma's typically make candida resistant.  

4.  For most yeasted individuals, a series of 6 sessions is highly recommended.  Not for everyone, but it is a breakdown and rebuilt process.  One or two might bring relief, but it may not be enough to re-balance the biome and give the food a better chance of making the desired changes.

5.  Chronic yeast infections are a sign of a imbalanced bowel biome.  Just say'n.

Here's my Candida Cleanse Protocol